Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Titles are lame

It's starting to really hit me that things are winding down here. I just looked at my calendar. I can't believe I've been here for 6 weeks.

Three to Go

I have a ton of stories, lots of experiences, and above all, a broadened perspective on life. being out here has gotten me to push out of my own little world that I've been protecting for the last few years. I started reading the news pretty much daily, and I plan to continue to do so.

I'm pretty thankful that God broke my oath that I would never travel outside the U.S. again. Being here has definitely confirmed that, this side of heaven, my home is the United States, but now I definitely want to travel more in order to share the world with the country I'm called to. You don't realize how much a place means to you until you aren't there.

I've definitely felt the direction of my life take a slight shift, nothing drastic (at least in my head) but definitely a different direction, I'm more focused too. I've been around new families, and children every single day that I've been here. Séb has a 7 month old son that I've gotten to see grow over the past month. He's started to get the walking motion down when he's supported. God is awesome. Anyways, It's been confirmed to me from all of the time with young families, a lot of prayer, and a few other things, that being a father, and a husband is something that God has for me in my life. That's nothing new really, just confirmed

The shift is more in the sense of calling and work. Working for ECC last summer helped me to realize that the traditional role of pastor was not what I was called to do. Being here this summer has shown me that I don't really feel called to work in the church at all. I still love and support churches. I just don't want to work in them to support my family. I want to be out there, working among people who don't know Jesus. There is also the fact that I really have dreams of seeing the church be unified across denominations, so while I will likely attend one church regularly so that my family can have a consistant communiy of fellowship. I do not want all of my time to be obliged to that single group of God's Children. What's cool about all this is God has been setting things up for me to move forward with this revelation. as Some of you know I've committed to work alongside some friends that are starting a Christian Coffeehouse. the awesome thing is that they really hope to turn it into more than one shop over the next few years. I really feel like this road is one that fits who God is building me to be.

Get stoked on life with Jesus. I love that I'm only 22


Unknown said...

can't wait to hear all your stories.

Anonymous said...

you still alive?